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Support local wine makers

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Support Local Winemakers

Simple, modern wine investing

With 100,000+ loyal customers (we call them Angels), we're able to fund winemakers up-front.
This way, they get to focus all their attention on making the best wine possible.

Exclusive wines.
Through our extensive wine network we are granted access to up and coming vineyards, private sales, and limited releases.
Talented winemakers.
Through our extensive wine network we are granted access to up and coming vineyards, private sales, and limited releases.
No risk.
We choose investment grade, globally diversified wines that perform more consistently and reliably than gold or cryptocurrency.
Ratings and reviews.
We choose investment grade, globally diversified wines that perform more consistently and reliably than gold or cryptocurrency.
Get Started

You can save up to 60% off your wine

We're able to remove a huge chunk of costs that in a traditional wine business would be passed on to you, the customer.And the winemaker can spend more time in the vineyard and less in the office. Which means the wines taste better!

No risk. No membership fee.

No secret handshake.

Angels get lots of wine perks for a reason - they support winemakers directly by depositing $40 a month into their Angel accounts. They can use the money in their account to order wine whenever they want - or they can withdraw it if they ever change their minds. But while it builds up, it's being invested in indie winemakers all around the world!

"One of the best things I've ever done. Investing in small, great winemakers nets you great wines at ridiculous prices. These are real winemakers funded by people like me.
Every bottle is special."

What our customers and partners are saying

“This place is amazing! Wonderful wines, reasonably priced, and their customer service exceeded anything expected. Certainly happy to have found this resource.”

Coming Soon !

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Simple, modern wine investing

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